Building a Low Cost Farm Road in Nigeria

What Perma-Zyme Can Do

One of the best solutions in road construction would be to use our enzymatic soil stabilizer,  Perma-Zyme Bio-Compactor, because it is compatible with organic content commonly in dusty or muddy soils, is eco-friendly, and requires no special equipment. Oftentimes,  one can even use what they have on hand to build a long-lasting road.

Perma-Zyme bonds soil particles together to create a concrete-like surface that lasts over 10 years. It also reduces dust and is impermeable which decreases the risk of erosion substantially. Perma-Zyme is eco-friendly, made out of food-grade materials, is 100% organic, and contains all-natural ingredients so it will not harm livestock or crops.

Equipment Required

To help reduce the expenses that come along with building roads, the Perma-Zyme solution was designed to use organic content already present in the on-site soil, bonding those clay particles together to create a concrete-like surface. This permentation™ process helps reduce hauling expenses that are usually a large part of the road construction process since the native soil onsite can be utilized. Expanding clays tend to make building a road challenging since it can be difficult to work with once it gets wet. The equipment required for building a road with Perma-Zyme includes:

  •  water truck
  •  motor grader
  •  padfoot (sheepsfoot) compactor
  •  drum compactor

The process is simple, rip up the soil using a grader, add Perma-Zyme to the water truck once it has been filled with water, spray the solution onto the soil, double-check to make sure the soil has reached optimum moisture, and then begin the compaction process using the Padfoot (sheepsfoot) and smooth wheel rollers with their vibratory functions on.

Alternative Equipment

If you do not have access to all of the road construction equipment listed above, there are several alternatives to building roads with Perma-Zyme, such as using tractor implements or attachments, feed trucks, and wheel packing.

To rip up the soil, one alternative is to use implements or attachments for your tractor. This includes a tiller attachment to rip up the soil, and a blade attachment to fold and unfold the soil.

Another alternative is to use a feed truck in place of a water truck to spray the Perma-Zyme and water mixture onto the soil. Perma-Zyme is made out of food-grade material and will not harm the livestock feed. If you do not have either a feed truck or a water truck, a 200-liter plastic tank can be used on the back of a pick-up truck to spray the soil. Wheel packing is an alternative method that can be used to replace compaction. Fill a water truck with water or use a front-end loader filled with soil and drive back and forth over the road. The weight of the equipment will compact the dirt.

The Perma-Zyme solution not only works with dirt roads, it also works with gravel roads. All that needs to be changed in the process is to add a layer of gravel to the top of the road before compacting. After curing, the Perma-Zyme will have bonded the soil particles to the rocks.

Building long-lasting, Perma-Zyme roads is ideal because Local Governments most often do not get subsidized funding to repair damaged roads. They most likely have to rely on lean budgetary allocations for road repairs which can take a long time. Perma-Zyme allows you to build an unpaved road that can last over 10 years without having to worry about the road getting rutted or washed out, and they can save up to 80% in road construction costs.

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